Moving honey bee hives is tricky because honey bees rely on an internal GPS to navigate back to their hive after foraging. If their home is moved, they can become disoriented and confused.
Here are some important guidelines for moving a hive:
Short distances (less than 5 feet): Bees can easily reorient themselves to the new location and quickly find their way back.
Long distances (more than 2 miles): When a hive is moved more than 2 miles, bees reset their internal GPS, ensuring they can find the new location.
Medium distances (between 5 feet and 2 miles): This can confuse the bees, as they will likely return to the old location, causing them to get lost.
Timing: It's best to move the hive between dusk and dawn when the bees are inside and not foraging.
Although moving a hive can be a complex task, it’s sometimes necessary and presents a great opportunity for your team to learn more about how incredible bees are!